
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Aschauer Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Aschauer
Praxisprofessor für Schiedsverfahrensrecht (Universität Graz), Independent Arbitrator und Rechtsanwalt in Wien


Dr. Christian Aschauer: More than 50 proceedings as sole arbitrator, chairman, co-arbitrator or counsel in domestic and international arbitral proceedings, including under the rules of the ICC, VIAC, Milan Chamber of Arbitration, DIS, SCC, Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and UNCITRAL. Most of Christian Aschauer’s arbitrations have a foreign nexus, with parties from a broad range of countries, including extra-European countries.

Kommende Veranstaltungen mit Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Aschauer

Getting the Arbitration Started – Wie man erfolgreich ein Schiedsverfahren einleitet: Dos und Don’ts aus der Praxis
Montag 12. Mai 2025